An independent Service for people with Health and Social Care needs in Shropshire including Telford & Wrekin

01743 363399

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Children and Young People

Please book your child/ren onto each Moving and Grooving session, for SEND families via this email address - jamila.walker@takingpart.co.uk
Booking helps with planning activities and IF we ever have to cancel a Moving and Grooving session, due to sickness, community centre issues, staffing issues etc.
I will also post on our Facebook page if we have to cancel.
If you leave your child/ren with staff please email Jamila with your phone numbers plus any additional parent/carer phone numbers.
Taking Part is an overarching organisation who provides advice, information, advocacy and guidance to people with health and care needs throughout Shropshire including Telford and Wrekin. The core aims of Taking Part are to promote choice, increase independence and inclusion and uphold individual rights.
Our activities are wide and varied but all are designed to provide a supportive and engaging environment that allows participants to enjoy themselves and join in as it suits them best.
Address -
Mereside Community Centre, Shrewsbury, SY2 6LH
Jamila Walker Thomas - 07974078919
email: jamila.walker@takingpart.co.uk
See link below for more information

Click on the Facebook logo for our Moving and Grooving private page for parents and carers.